Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Me keep a 'blog'? Can't say I thought I ever would.

I can't say that I ever thought I would be keeping a 'blog'.  I've understood the potential value of the tool, but just hadn't thought there would be a time when I would actually want to use it - nor of a reason for me to.  But now there is.

On February 27th, I have the incredible fortune and responsibility to represent my company Safelite AutoGlass in visiting a charity our associates have rallied behind for the past several years called MaAfrika Tikkun in South Africa.  This organization strives to serve families and what they term vulnerable children. 

I hope to use this blog as a journal of my experiences and activities while in South Africa visiting operations of the charity.  I promise to do my best in sharing these experiences.  The people I meet.  The places I visit.  The conditions and state of challenges that the charity faces.


  1. Just saw this comment - tons of updates. Please visit the root site of http://mattweger.blogspot.com for all.
