Sunday, March 6, 2011

Friday Continued - Delft

Upon returning to the center we went to work in the kitchens.  Brian and I worked in the kitchens - passing out food and cleaning pots/pans.  Betsy and Mike spent time cutting up veggies.

I'm quite certain that we did more to get in the way of the team of women in the kitchen than to help them - but I appreciated them letting us try to help.  Here are some photos of the team there:

This was the biggest pot I think I've ever seen - and
took me quite a while to clean! (I think they may have cleaned it
after I cleaned it - even though I did my best to scrub it hard!)

She was making fish cakes that were very good.  Each adult got 2  - and child 1

She was the mother of the kitchen team.  Always giving us a smile -
but keeping an eye to make sure we were doing it right.

Me, Brian and Mike being instructed by the kitchen mother

Brian and I served lunch to a long line of people that waited very patiently for us to begin.  The containers that we were handed to fill with 2 scoops of rice / 1 scoop of veggies and either 1 or 2 fish cakes were any type of container possible.  Things that we would mostly discard (or recycle I hope!) they depended on for food.  While most adults took the food home - many of the children stayed and ate.  There was a table that we setup and used for lunch that a group of children used once we were done. 

I posted a photo of a little boy earlier.  I went over to the table to see how the little guys were doing and noticed that one little guy was crying with the other children seemingly stressed.  It turned out that he had dropped his container/lunch on the ground.  I tried to comfort him - and the other children who where saying "I didn't do it, I didn't do it".  After cleaning it up I took his container (which looked like a butter container) back to the kitchen, cleaned it and refilled it and took it back to him.  I'm not sure if this was what they would have wanted me to do - but it was how I would have treated my children.

Here is his picture:

I put him back on the chair and carried him around buzzing like an
airplane - he loved it.  His tears dried up and he played and ate his lunch.

She had such a beautiful smile (as sooo many do)

These little guys were looking tough for me.  I would show them
their picture and they would laugh and laugh.

I have more to share about Friday - but don't want to create a small book per entry so I'll end this part here.

1 comment:

  1. Again, you rock the hairnet nad apron, Honey! Such adorable children. So glad they get a hot meal.
